Common Web Develper Service Questions

Web Development is a process of creating, improving or fixing websites. This could be anything from making your small business’s site to help explain what you sell and how to contact you for more information; debugging issues with contact forms not emailing customers-or just about anything in between!

A web developer is a person who helps make websites. They use special computer code to build the parts of a website that you see and use, like the buttons you click on or the pictures you look at. Web developers make sure that a website works properly and is easy for people to use. They are like builders, but instead of building houses, they build websites.

The cost of building a website for a small business can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size and complexity of the site and the amount of custom design work involved. In general, however, it is possible to create a simple website for a small business for as little as a few hundred pounds. This cost can be reduced further by using a website builder or template, which can make it easier and less expensive to create a basic website. It’s important to keep in mind that the cost of building a website can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of your business, so it’s always a good idea to discuss your project with us to get a more accurate idea of the costs involved.

The amount of time it takes to create a website can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size and complexity of the site and the availability of the necessary content and resources. In general, however, it is possible to create a simple website in just a few days or weeks. For more complex or custom websites, the development process may take longer, potentially requiring several months to complete. It’s important to keep in mind that the timeline for building a website can vary depending on the specific requirements and goals of your project.

We have been passionate about web design and development for over 10 years and have a wealth of experience in creating effective and engaging websites. We have worked on a wide range of projects, from simple brochure-style sites to more complex e-commerce platforms, and have honed our skills and expertise over the years. We are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the field, and are constantly learning and exploring new ways to create beautiful and functional websites. Our experience and dedication to the field allows us to provide our clients with high-quality, reliable services that help them achieve their goals and succeed online.

In the past, we have provided a range of services related to popular website development platforms such as WordPress, Laravel, Shopify, OpenCart, and Magento. We have extensive experience working with these platforms and are confident in our ability to deliver high-quality results for our clients. We are always happy to consider projects that involve other platforms or technologies, but please note that we may need to conduct additional research in order to provide an accurate quote and timeline. This research is done at no additional cost to you, and we will do our best to respond to your request in a timely manner.


The majority of our work involves the use of PHP, which we are highly familiar with and have been using for over 10 years. We are able to support websites using PHP versions 5, 7, and 8, although for security reasons, we strongly recommend upgrading to PHP 8. Additionally, we have experience using Python, specifically in the context of the Django and Wagtail web frameworks, as well as Shopify’s Liquid programming language. Overall, our team has a strong foundation in a variety of programming languages and can handle a wide range of web development projects.


In terms of website styling, we primarily use SASS/SCSS. This allows us to create clean, consistent, and flexible stylesheets that are easy to maintain and update.

For website interactivity and enhanced user experience, we use a combination of jQuery, Vue.js, and plain JavaScript. These tools enable us to add dynamic and engaging elements to websites, such as animation, responsive design, and user input validation. Our team is experienced with these technologies and can use them to create engaging and functional websites that deliver a great user experience.

We specialize in a range of web development services, including website security, development, and cloud security & management. Our team has extensive experience in these areas and is committed to delivering high-quality, reliable services to our clients. We use industry-standard tools and techniques to ensure that websites are secure, well-designed, and optimized for performance and scalability. Additionally, we offer cloud security & management services to help our clients protect their data and applications and ensure that their websites and online services are always available and accessible. Overall, our goal is to provide our clients with comprehensive web development solutions that help them succeed online and achieve their business goals.

Yes, we can help you prevent a website or server security breach. Our team is experienced in identifying and fixing potential breach points and can provide guidance and support to help you secure your website and online assets. We can also assist with post-hack events, such as restoring hacked data and cleaning up malware, to help you get your website back up and running as quickly as possible. However, it’s important to keep in mind that website and server security is an ongoing task that requires continuous monitoring and maintenance. We would therefore recommend signing up for a support plan with us to ensure that your website and server remain secure and protected at all times. This will give you peace of mind and help you avoid the potential consequences of a security breach.

For websites we typically recommend implementing the security protocols recommended by the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) standards. These standards are widely recognized as best practices for web security and can help protect your website and your customers’ data from a variety of threats. Some of the key security measures that we typically recommend for e-commerce websites include two-factor authentication, anti-malware software, and change detection scripts. These measures can help to prevent unauthorized access to your website, protect against malware and other online threats, and alert you to any changes or anomalies in your website’s code or data. Overall, implementing these security protocols can help to ensure that your e-commerce website is secure and trustworthy, which is essential for building customer trust and confidence in your business.

Building a successful ecommerce site can be a complex process and the time it takes can vary significantly depending on many factors such as the complexity of your product line, the platform you choose, and your technical expertise. However, we’ve found that a well-planned and executed ecommerce site can often be set up and thriving within about 12 months.

This timeline allows you to carefully plan each stage of the process, from choosing the right ecommerce platform and designing your site, to setting up your product catalog and launching your marketing initiatives.

For a more detailed roadmap, we highly recommend you read our guide, 12 Steps to Building a Successful Ecommerce Site in 12 Months. This guide will walk you through the steps and timelines involved in this process, and help you avoid common pitfalls that can delay your site’s success.